Brett Moller is a consultant Solicitor with the firm. He previously operated his own law practice, and he has more than 30 years legal experience.
His areas of focus include Commercial and Property law, Wills and Estate Planning/Business Succession law, and in all aspects of rural law.
Brett is a current Division 1 Councillor for the Cairns Regional Council and demonstrates a strong commitment to the Tropical North Qld region through his pro bono legal work for community and sporting organisations, his various board positions.
Having held many director positions in the past including the State Chair of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry Qld of which he is a life member. He has served as a director on the Australian Chamber Board, has been the Chairman of the Government Owned Ports North Corporation and Deputy Chair of the previous Mulgrave Central Mill Co Ltd. Brett has also served as a director on the ASX listed MSF Sugar.
It is clear that with these positions and alongside his legal experience, Brett has significant corporate governance experience to assist Corporations and also Not for Profit Associations at community and sporting levels.