Stephen was born and bred in Innisfail and comes from a large cane farming family. He completed Articles of Clerkship with two North Queensland Law firms before returning to Innisfail to become Principal of Boyett Stubbin and Todd in December 1989.
In 1994 Stephen and Vince Vandeleur merged Boyett Stubbin and Todd and Vandeleurs to form Vandeleur & Todd and since that time the firm has continued as an old style country general practice providing legal services in virtually all areas of law to meet the needs of their clients.
For some years Stephen combined his practice of law while operating the family cane farm at Garradunga and during that time also served as a Director of Babinda Canegrowers and Canegrowers Cairns Region and as a Director of Innisfail Babinda Cane Productivity Services Ltd.
Now solely devoted to working in Vandeleur & Todd, Stephen has a wealth of experience in all areas of general practice and enjoys being able to assist his many clients with a diverse range of legal problems.
Stephen has particular experience in Commercial and Property Law and Wills and Estates. Stephen has also had significant experience in Family Law matters and for some years acted as an Independent Childrens Lawyer in parenting cases.
Stephen has overseen the growth of Vandeleur & Todd from a solely Innisfail based Firm to having offices in Innisfail, Gordonvale and Cairns and leads a fine team of Lawyers who enjoy working in a family orientated practice and meeting the diverse legal challenges of their country and city based clients.
Since retiring from canefarming, Stephen has rekindled his love of golf and now enjoys being a member of and playing at Innisfail Golf Club and Babinda Golf Club and serving on the Management Committee of Innisfail Golf Club.